
Oct 1, 2012

Better PCBs in Eagle

Better PCBs in Eagle:

Follow SparkFun recommendations for a better PCB. Nate writes:
We are constantly pushing ourselves for better printed circuit boards (PCB). One thing we’ve learned is that PCB fab houses (such as Advanced Circuits, BatchPCB, PCB123, Gold Phoenix, Bare Bones PCB, anyone really) have a very hard job to do. Creating a PCB is not an easy task and there are many ways for a fab house to mess it up. Unfortunately, fab houses tend to spend less time on prototypes than on production runs. Therefore, we try to design products and PCBs for ‘manufacturability’. This tutorial will show you how to minimize the number of ways the fab house can screw up a PCB.
We’ve messed up piles of PCBs over the years. We want to share with you some of the DFM (design for manufacture) rules and tricks and tips we’ve learned to get a good PCB, every time. If you’re creating a prototype PCB, we highly recommend you use these rules to increase the chances that your proto will work!
Better PCBs in Eagle - [Link]

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